Note: RTL8401, RTL8402, RTL8411, RTL8411B and RTL8411BN are combined LAN / Card Reader host controllers.Realtek ac 97 audio driver 5. HD Audio | AC'97 | PCIe FE/GbE | PCI GbE | PCI FE

PCI FE = Fast Ethernet (10/100 MBit) connected via PCI

PCI GbE = Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000 MBit) connected via PCI PCIe FE = Fast Ethernet (10/100 MBit) connected via PCI Express PCIe GbE = Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000 MBit) connected via PCI Express

The latest audio and LAN driver downloads for Realtek AC'97, HD Audio, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet NICs (network interface cards/controllers) can be found here.