I was able to show my daughter something that I played as a kid and keep my sanity for one more day. Now I know that it may seem like a very small thing to be able to play a game that you loved in childhood but it really made me happy. Related: Download and Play Humongous Entertainment’s “Backyard Baseball” for Free Because believe you me it gets really annoying not being able to use the TV and having a pout fest every time I try to change the channel from “ Bluey” or “ Daniel Tiger.” Putting on “Freddi Fish” was great, and it explains everything so you don’t even have to supervise. Between writing for Nerdbot and trying to home school a kindergartner I was lost on how to entertain her without the television being on all the time. If you think I’m over exaggerating you’re wrong. Now I only mention these two games but Steam also offers “Spy Fox” and “Pajama Sam” which I never really got into. So you know I picked up a couple of games and they totally saved my life. And only for about $6.99 a pop unless you want to get the whole package. My daughter was watching a YouTuber as kids do and they were playing “Putt Putt Saves the Zoo.” Holy Hell! I had no idea that you could get these games so easily. Now recently I discovered that you could get these games on Steam. But mostly I remember a series of games by Humongous Entertainment. It was even internet ready! Back when dial up reigned supreme and all I wanted to do was look at Sailor Moon pictures online. You know “Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing” and some cool demo games of Motocross. The good old days when my dad had just bought a computer off of home shopping network that came with a ton of software and a sick set up. If I wasn’t playing “Putt Putt” or “Freddi Fish” I was playing “ Backyard Baseball.” Now we’re talking about the nineties here. One of the things I remember most about when I was younger is playing computer games.